Well, I made it! I can now say I’m graduating with my Master’s degree. It’s has been a long but short road, and I am forever grateful for all the things God has shown me in this season. After the end of every season, I like to look back and reflect on the lessons that I’ve learned. Almost five years ago, I wrote this reflection when I did my internship in Orlando. My professor told me to save this paper and use it as a reminder of where I started.
Walt Disney stated, “the more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique’. As I said in my earlier reports, I feel this internship is truly a blessing. Every day I learn something new about this fantastic company. My purpose in taking this internship was to use this experience to learn about this company and gain good work ethic skills. I also wanted to do this internship to learn more about myself. One of my personal goals is consistent self-growth. I feel like I have so much to offer to this world, and if I’m not continually growing, the world will never know what makes me so unique. Before I left Mississippi, I promised myself that I was going to make the most of this opportunity. Every year I choose a theme of improvement for myself. I focus on that theme all year and try to make improvements in that area. The theme that I decided on this year is self-worth.
Coming to Florida has given me time to figure out what makes me so special. This internship has opened my eyes to my past life, my current life, and my future life. Being away from family and friends has made me more aware of myself. Since I’ve been here in Florida, I have been evaluating myself. Overall I have become a better student, a better employee, and a better me. I am not the same person that I was when I first arrived in Orlando. Before coming to Florida, I saw myself as an average person who sometimes got overlooked. I had an idea of who I wanted to be, but I could never convince myself that I was that person. I felt like I was stuck inside this glass, and I couldn’t get out. On the outside of the glass was the person I wanted to be. I did not know that I was that ideal person the whole time. I just had to see and believe it for myself. This internship has helped me to see the real me.
When I was in Hattiesburg, I lost a piece of myself. I let people tell me who I was, and I started believing what they were saying about me. This phase of my life affected me, and I didn’t even realize it. I started questioning myself and started to lose focus on my goals. I can’t say exactly what snapped and got me to realize that I wasn’t myself. After going through all of that, I had a hard time trying to figure who I was. I had seemed to have forgotten everything about myself and my goals. I can now say that I see things clearer. Being in Florida and doing this internship has given me time to remember who I am and remember the goals that I planned for myself. I have learned that everyone doesn’t have the best interest for me and I will never again let these people define me as a person.
I have realized that it is vital to recognize my self-worth. Not only does it affect my personal life, but it affects my professional life. When I didn’t know my worth, I noticed that it affected my work ethics and ability to communicate. Since I’ve been in Florida, I am starting to see more of me. I am letting go of bad habits that might affect me. Because I have been dealing with these habits, I now see a change in my work ethic. I’m starting to take more pride in my work, and it’s showing through my internship. I have been recognized multiple times by my leaders, co-workers, and guest for my work ethic and personality. Since I’ve been here, I have been collecting words that our guests and my leaders have used to describe me. I have gotten many compliments, but a few words were used that really touched me, and I will always remember how they made me feel.
The first word my leader used to describe me was positive. I was working really hard one day and I had a line of guests waiting for their pictures to be taken. Little did I know, a leader was watching me the whole time while trying to take care of all of the guests. Even though I was the only one working out in my area, I tried my hardest to make sure every guest had a wonderful time with me. After the crowd numbers went down, my leader came up to me and checked up on me. He told me I did an excellent job and he liked the creative shots I did for each family. During our conversation, only one word stuck in my head. He told me that he loves the fact that I am always optimistic. He gave me a little sheet that goes in my record, and on the sheet it said: “always positive.” That short conversation made my day.
Another word that a guest called me was patient. It was a scorching day and I had a line of guests. I was taking this huge family picture. They had ages from newborn to elderly. I was trying to get everyone to look and to smile. After a couple of tries, I finally got the perfect pictures and the family even ended up having a good time. While the family was leaving, the grandma patted me on the shoulder and told me that I was very friendly and patient. She thanked me and went away. The reason why her words moved me was because I wasn’t having my best day. I was trying not to let how I felt affect my work. Again, that one little conversation made my day.
Another word that a co-worker called me was sweet. Long story short, I was telling him about my future career plans. He told me that I would be perfect for that career. He told me I have an upbeat and sweet personality. When I make it to my dream career, he always said to remember to keep that sweet personality and never change.
The last word that a two-year-old guest called me was a princess. I was taking this little two-year old’s picture and we were having a blast! She was doing everything I was asking and her family was filled with joy. After I finished taking her photos, I told her goodbye princess and in return, she waved and said “goodbye princess.” Everyone around me was in awe, and I was about to be in tears. That conversation I had with that little two-year-old princess again made my day.
This internship has broken me out of my shell. I am now on the outside of the glass. I have grown so much while working at Disney. I can now say that I see me for me. I am hardworking, sweet, positive, patient, caring, kind, loving, and a princess. I’m still learning more about myself and I cannot wait to go back to Hattiesburg knowing who I am as a person. Finding my self-worth has helped me keep a positive outlook on life and it makes me feel proud of who I am both inside and outside. My newly found self-worth gives me the courage to try new things, the power to believe in myself, and the confidence to make good choices throughout my life.